Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Over 500, but who's counting

Just for fun, last week I counted the number of homes advertised for sale in the Democrat. It was over 500! Wow! What a market! So much to choose from.

I guess moving into "God's Country" is on hold for a number of families. Too bad.

Had we planned better, we might not have made it so attractive to Bay Area Buyer's. Maybe a little extra tax, or something. Something Supplemental. But now we have it. We have created a cute little oligarchy. Now there's a word to hold an open house on.

I didn't count the number of Real Estate professionals, but there sure are a lot of like-size heads on two pages of one company's ads. Wonder how much they make a year? Hmm.

Does no one in this county have a current photo?

It is absolutely beyond me why this paper continues to publish Obit pics, Campaign pics and other miscellaneous pictures that are consistently 20-50 years older than the person depicted.

I mean, Grandma, age 92 with a 1940 picture. Aunt Thelma, age 70 with a picture of her in her 30’s. And now the GOP VP candidate, I forget her name, with a 1992 photo.

Come on kids, it’s the digital age. 82 million digital cameras are predicted to be sold worldwide this year. Walmart will even develop the photo’s on your non-digital POS.

So what is the reason no one seem to come up with a recent photo? I heard once that your could always tell a loved child by the number of pictures in the home. Some people aren't photogenic, I give you that. The more superstitious believe a photo will steal the soul of the subject, but I don't think that holds today. I think we have just become a lazy, selfish society...pure and simple.

So shame on you readers for not taking pictures of your Great Aunt Thelma and shame on this newspaper for not insisting on recent photos.

Funny, the "County's Most Wanted" pics are current, what gives?