Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Loewe's in Tuolumne County

With all this hub-bub about Loewe’s, the proposed County Law Enforcement/Administration center, it leaves one to wonder who is sleeping with who in the Administrative, Judicial and Property Ownership arena.

I mean, after all. It was just about 4 months after the closing of TGH, that the county thought up the idea of the new Law Enforcement Complex. (What, we can’t provide health care, but can provide incarceration?) TGH had a negative $900 M / year deficit. The new law enforcement center will only cost upwards of $266 M. Hmmm.

And now we find the care from our sole provider is mediocre, at best. I guess when you’re the only game in town you can be the best you want to be.

And Loewe’s…anyone checked out the corporate profile lately. I wonder how they can manage to keep their doors open another day. And we are really to believe they are actively pursuing new stores.

I would suggest the wool is being pulled over the people of this county’s eyes. Already the epithet “Come here on Vacation, leave here on Probation” is being thrown around. And we are to think the state (Bankrupt, by the way) is going to provide the necessary funding for our new “lock down”.

So who is sleeping with whom? Who stands to gain the most? The people of Tuolumne County that thought they moved to
God’s Country or the unknown individuals that seem to keep things under control, at best.

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