Friday, July 25, 2008

and more

Now being such a backwoods little county, I’m sure the developer’s, contractor’s, architect’s, workmen, well, you get the idea, are from outside the county so the new job factor for locals is relatively nil.  And to think, was it just a year or so ago, our illustrious supervisor’s couldn’t figure a way of providing healthcare and had to just give up on the county’s loser of a hospital only to now rely on the Patron Saints of Tuolumne County!   Who have made Prompt Care a joke, made a blood test a day’s worth of travel to the oddest location imaginable (other than the Hospital) and now want to spend $200 million of this county’s money, much of it coming from I assume Revenue Recovery with the new jail and all needing to have a vacancy factor similar to the privately funded hospital.

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