Friday, July 25, 2008

A New Justice Center

Let’s give a hand to a group of longtime generational, most likely cash poor, land rich property owners, who along with a group of hungry real estate appraisers, brokers and attorney’s came up with the idea of taking some of this county’s most beautiful grazing land, now that the beef industry is on the skids and instead of knocking their heads against a group of “no growth” residents, and “no to more homes” supervisors to figure out a way of selling, that is, turning their dirt into Cash” by way of reclassifying their gorgeous property to a county use.  This land, most likely zoned farming or under the Williamson Act, with unbelievably low tax revenues for the county, would be unsuitable, by the way for residential because of the marginal neighborhood it is adjacent to (Walmart), to turn this land into an extremely high priced piece of property which now has the highest and best use being a new county jail, still with no tax revenue for the county…and additionally, uh hum, well, fabulous new sheriff’s offices.

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