Wednesday, July 30, 2008

God's Country Burning Up?

When I was a kid, everyone called this county, “God’s Country”.  I still can’t figure out why.  Is it because of the number of church’s?  (a count awhile back yielded over 45)  Is it because the population is older and therefore closer to God?  Is it the beauty of the Golf Courses?  The beauty of our funky owl infested forest, which thanks to the Forest Service, Sierra Club (of which I hold membership) will soon be charcoal? 

We may have to recalculate our carbon footprints after that event because the age and emssion levels of the majority of vehicles is making the air less clear when the county is not on fire.  Has anyone checked the number of grandparents who have gifted their 25 year old Buick’s to their “kids” in the past few years up here, avoiding a smog, a wee bit of revenue to the state and more so…clean air in  which to see God’s Country.

Now with the heat from all that fire, it would seem that we may not be in "God's Country" at all.

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