Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Favorite Sign in Tuolumne County

These little ditties are popping up everywhere these days.

This is only the beginning.  I only wish we could go back to the late '70's and rethink the Jarvis-Gann Act.   Our counties would be stable. There would be income, life just might be grand.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So more about these photo's

Let's see.  It just dawned on me that during our last Supervisor's race we had conflicting pictures of Mr. Torchia (one twenty years younger than the other...will the real Mr. Torchia please stand up) and the inimitable Liz Bass in a visor hat...yes, a visor hat.  OMG (that means OH MY GOD!)

It is absolutely unimaginable that this woman could do more to destroy any "style" or sense of fashion this morbid little community could possibly have with the campaign photo of her in a visor shading her eyes from truth and conservative spending.  You know her votes:    No, no, no!

I remember years  ago, a career counselor advised me to shave my moustache & beard and never wear shaded glasses when going for a job interview.  There is something that comes across devious, or dishonest, or disguised with such facial hair and eye shades.  And here we have two glimpses in the life of one candidate and another hidden by dark glasses and a visor.

So much for upfront honesty!

Now about that run off race!  I'm all for the tow guy. I mean, I'd actually move into District 1 to vote for him.  He, at a very early age, taught me every expletive I would ever need to know in the course of my life.  Unfortunately, my parents thought that at the age of 6 or 7, it might be a bit premature in lesson.  So, after a few brief courses, they ended.  Hmm.  I sure hope I didn't miss any.

Again, when the tow guy was a Sonora Police Officer he let me pass whilst careening down Lyons Street at 65 mph.  It would have been hell in that decrepid old jail at the age of 16.  Let's just say, "I like him!"  

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Common Sense Obituaries

Ok, I give up!   Why, pray tell in the Obituaries c olumn of the local newspapers must they insert photo's of the deceased that were taken, say 60 or 70 years ago.  I don't get it.  I mean, I really don't get it.

I heard once someone said you could tell a person was loved when there were photo's around their homes and of their relatives.  Well, my Tuolumne County no one must have been loved.

I give you a recent example.   La Ti Da, aged 90 - photo circa. 1940's.     Ti La Da, aged 65 - photo circa. 1980.  Even better yet are the younger folks that have high school pictures.

In the most humblest opinion of this writer, I believe a photo that accompanies a Death Notice should be reflective of the person.  Maybe when they were most active in the community, maybe recent, if it were a sudden death but none of this 50 - 80 year old photo's.  I mean, who's gonna recognize them?  Doesn't someone in the family have a photo which would resemble the deceased?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Speed Traps and Hysterical Monuments

Ain’t no two ways about it and we have one of the greatest speed traps in any of the 20 or so states I’ve been to:  That is, 55 from O’Bynes Ferry Road to J-59 turn off on 108/120.  Yup, a virtual straight-away with two nice easy turns…55 mph.  Maybe Seniors shop in the Valley on Tuesdays.


All in all, where else can you find some local attorney’s wife running around making every inch of downtown a Hysterical Monument, further restricting the addition of a bathroom, a heater, or possibly a toilet paper holder.  A group of High Brow Soroptomist’s (what the hell is a Soroptomist anyway, putting on a fashion show of bad outfits once a year).  A county with two radio signals (both owned the the same company mind you) playing music that had it’s hey day in 1978?  The blatant run of racism and homophobia I’ve seen in years…yes, there must be a seat between two men in a movie theater.   We must remember in the words of one of our Supervisor’s, “…we like to keep them (homosexuals) silent and scared”.How else do you have a full theater with ½ the seats full.