Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Common Sense Obituaries

Ok, I give up!   Why, pray tell in the Obituaries c olumn of the local newspapers must they insert photo's of the deceased that were taken, say 60 or 70 years ago.  I don't get it.  I mean, I really don't get it.

I heard once someone said you could tell a person was loved when there were photo's around their homes and of their relatives.  Well, my God...in Tuolumne County no one must have been loved.

I give you a recent example.   La Ti Da, aged 90 - photo circa. 1940's.     Ti La Da, aged 65 - photo circa. 1980.  Even better yet are the younger folks that have high school pictures.

In the most humblest opinion of this writer, I believe a photo that accompanies a Death Notice should be reflective of the person.  Maybe when they were most active in the community, maybe recent, if it were a sudden death but none of this 50 - 80 year old photo's.  I mean, who's gonna recognize them?  Doesn't someone in the family have a photo which would resemble the deceased?

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